[Accommodations/Rates] [Attractions] [CliffSide Cottage] [Directions] [Grist Mill] [Guest Comments] [Hog'n Haus Cottage] [Information] [Maps] [Mill House] [Thodar© the Robot] [Under Ground Rail Road]
The Rose Room in the Mill House: The second floor Rose Room features two twin sleigh beds in a large cheery room. The room has a fireplace, AC and ceiling fan.
Soft tones of pinks and greens with a Rose motif and a private bath. This room may be combined with the Garden Room to provide a four guest suite with a bath between them.
2020 - 2021 Rates: Twin Beds, Private Bath - $185 - $195 + tax. Can be combined with the adjoining Garden Suite at a reduced rate. SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES Rates subject to change holidays and special events.
View and Explore other Mill House Guest Rooms: The Hydrangea Room - The Rose Room - The Garden Suite
Availability, Reservations or more Details? INn by the Mill Call 518.568.2388 Or email: stay@innbythemill.comWe accept: Cash, Checks, Visa, Discover or Master Card.
The INn is located close to many fine restaurants. (One restaurant is said to be Haunted!) At your request, we will gladly make reservations for you.
05.17.2021 [Accommodations/Rates] [Attractions] [CliffSide Cottage] [Directions] [Grist Mill] [Guest Comments] [Hog'n Haus Cottage] [Information] [Maps] [Mill House] [Thodar© the Robot] [Under Ground Rail Road] Copyright © RAH 1999 - 2021 All Rights Reserved |